Sunday, 9 September 2012

Posted by Anonymous On 17:10

Odissi Dancer Geetanjali Acharya Ji

Geetanjali Acharya is one of the senior disciples of “Srjan” and had her initial training under Guru Ratikant Mohapatra. Latter She received the benefit of learning under the guidance of the great Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra and had her special training in Odissi Dance.At present she continues her learning under the able tutelage of Guru Ratikant Mohapatra. Geetanjali completed her Nrutya Shastri Purna recognized by Orissa Sangeet Natak Academy. She has performed in several dance festivals within and outside the state of Orissa, being part of Srjan’s repertoire group.

She is  a dedicated and promising Odissi dancer. She has also received last year the National Scholarship in Odissi dance from the Dept. of Culture, Govt. of India.

नमस्कार,अगर इस जीवन परिचय में आपको कोई कमी या कोइ नई बात जोड़नी/घटानी हो तो अछुती इस पेज का लिंक विषय लिखते हुए  हमें इस पते पर ई-मेल करिएगा.ताकी हम इसे अपडेट कर सकें-सम्पादक 


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